Past Club Event

Entertainment Time | 3rd Jun 2017 (Sat) @ 4pm to 6pm | Toa Payoh Central CC

Once again, it’s our Entertainment Time. A day where club member showcase their skill.


(1) To members build up courage so that we can counter stage fright. (Useful as character building).
(2) Prepare ourselves for Annual Concert.
(3) Members trying out new pieces that they had learned in front of own members. (Why not )
(4) Trying out small group presentation, or singing (it is not 7th Mth Yet so we will be safe )
(5) Fellowship
(6) Entertain…Can include singing, telling jokes, comedy sketch, sharing experience – work or family or stories, etc.
(7) *promote kindness, giving and sharing*

So do feel free to contact any of our MC if you had something that you would like to present to the rest of the member so that we can add in your pieces.